About Me

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hello, my name is lolo. i am a stay at home mom of 2 awesome sons and have an amazing husband who supports us in every way. we have a lot going on, but not that much at the same time. does that make any sense? well, along with learning all of the things that come with parenting in general, both our boys have some developmental delays. this adds a whole new dimension to our lives and how we go about our days. we are so lucky to have an amazing support group of family and friends. this blog will help take some of the burden off of them :) thanks for listening.

Monday, April 16, 2012

and.... we're back!

oh hey!

so, i am trying out this new schedule for the sons... an earlier nap. since son #1 has been on spring break the past week, i had been putting him down for a nap with his brother and he had no problem with it! he was not napping for awhile before that because he goes to preschool for 2.5 hours in the afternoon, and that is when son #2 would usually nap (and mommy could get some alone time!). so, since they have been waking up earlier anyway, i thought i would see if they would sleep before son #1 goes to school... and it worked today! let's hope we can keep this up. i will let you know.

another reason why i wanted to push up the nap to an earlier time was so that i could get some quality teaching time with son #2 while son #1 is at school. i have a friend who is extremely well-versed (will have her masters degree in the field!) in ABA therapy and she is helping us try and implement some of those therapies into our daily lives until we get the funding for the intensive in-home therapy (which will be 20-30 hours a week). and it is really hard to do the exercises with both boys and just one me. it is going to take over a year for us, if approved, to get the Long Term Child Support Waiver from the state for the funding for therapy. i know, you are probably saying, "why don't you just pay for it yourself?!" well, it is crazy expensive. totally unaffordable out of pocket. and since i am home with the boys, i am dedicated to learning all that i can to help the sons keep progressing. but it is hard to change the way you do things all of the sudden; especially when you have boys that are a little bit more resistant to change. so, we will slowly change our schedule and ways of doing things so that by the time all the therapy starts (hopefully!), we will be ready for it.

i also have to say that i am SO thankful that i have so many friends that are knowledgeable about special education and autism therapies-- i would be quite lost without you guys.

1 comment:

  1. Big supporter of the new nap schedule...makes total sense to me, and I think you're using this time wisely to teach/spend QT time with son #2 while son #1 is at school. This schedule will also allow you to have "me time", which is SO important to stay-at-home-mommies :-) Love it.
