About Me

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hello, my name is lolo. i am a stay at home mom of 2 awesome sons and have an amazing husband who supports us in every way. we have a lot going on, but not that much at the same time. does that make any sense? well, along with learning all of the things that come with parenting in general, both our boys have some developmental delays. this adds a whole new dimension to our lives and how we go about our days. we are so lucky to have an amazing support group of family and friends. this blog will help take some of the burden off of them :) thanks for listening.

Friday, April 13, 2012



so, i am a little nervous about this blogging thing. i have to tell you that i have been against it for a long time; kind of thought that it was a self-absorbed thing to do (really--no offense to anyone who has a blog, i read and subscribe to MANY!), although i am pretty positive that i have changed my mind about that... 

you know what they say about writing in a diary--it makes you feel better because you got it all out, etc. well, sometimes maybe that is not enough? like we feel like we need to actually tell somebody? and why not just put it out there for anybody and everybody, right? 

i think i like it. 

but i also have a problem with starting things and not finishing them. so, hopefully i will keep up with this one. i guess my first post will just be this. it is late and i should probably go to bed. those kiddos wake up early!

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