About Me

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hello, my name is lolo. i am a stay at home mom of 2 awesome sons and have an amazing husband who supports us in every way. we have a lot going on, but not that much at the same time. does that make any sense? well, along with learning all of the things that come with parenting in general, both our boys have some developmental delays. this adds a whole new dimension to our lives and how we go about our days. we are so lucky to have an amazing support group of family and friends. this blog will help take some of the burden off of them :) thanks for listening.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

so far so good...

nap schedule update!

it has worked REALLY well this week.  we are keeping our fingers crossed that the little changes on the weekend will not change the success of the new schedule!

on to other things...

the disability eligibility paperwork is IN.  i mailed in yesterday.  it felt really good to get that over with! and my friend gave me a face time lesson over the phone on how to better teach son #2 the autism therapy stuff.  it is hard to change up how you do things every day.  he is like, "why are you forcing me to do this?"  i usually just let the boys lead the way during free play; but i think it would be better for son #2 to learn how to attend better if i had it more structured...  i don't know.  i go back and forth in my head about everything ALL the time.  speech and occupational therapy have not heard from the insurance company yet about the switch to seeing son #2 at the clinic, so we are still waiting on that one too.

have you ever felt like a piece of furniture? or a jungle gym?  lately, son #2 has been crazily climbing all over me and pulling on me... it is starting to drive me a little nutty!  i am used to him grabbing my hand and leading me places that he wants to go (which i am trying to stop--trying to have him communicate... but since he doesn't really say any words, how am i supposed to have him communicate verbally?!  i need to look up picture schedules, etc... this is probably what i should do ASAP!);  but lately, he has been really pulling on my shirt, my pants, climbing on me and accidentally kicking me in the face or stomach. he doesn't seem to understand when i try to let him know that i don't like that... but if i try to talk to him about it, he doesn't even pay attention or probably know what i am talking about... so, i just don't know. how do i not give in to what he is asking for because that is the only way he knows how to do ask or have me get him something? i try to get him to say mama, but he doesn't imitate me every time.  i don't know, i guess it is a work in progress :)

we had three really fun play dates this week... these were the first since son #2 was diagnosed.  not like that would have changed anything, but i just wanted to get all the paperwork and initial feelings stuff out of the way before we had any play dates.  we had an evening play date with some besties at our house, we went to a cute play place/coffee shop in bayside, wi with a new friend that we met at son #1's swimming class, and to a park play date with some new and old friends. everyone is really nice about everything; though i don't really bring it up unless it comes up...  there are still some awkward feelings when son #2 shows little interest in other kids and tends to try to run away every 5-10 minutes... but that is just how it is i guess :)

hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend! happy earth day! (should be earth day everyday, hey?!)



  1. I have a program called board maker that we use to provide visual schedule and communication boards with kids. The graphics are a little lame but it does the job...I'll bring it to u to play with

  2. The best way to meet people is when you're in your swimming suits ;-)
