About Me

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hello, my name is lolo. i am a stay at home mom of 2 awesome sons and have an amazing husband who supports us in every way. we have a lot going on, but not that much at the same time. does that make any sense? well, along with learning all of the things that come with parenting in general, both our boys have some developmental delays. this adds a whole new dimension to our lives and how we go about our days. we are so lucky to have an amazing support group of family and friends. this blog will help take some of the burden off of them :) thanks for listening.

Monday, September 17, 2012



i know it has been SO LONG since i last posted, but i was feeling superstitious about writing on the blog about son #2's autism stuff and not hearing about if he was determined disabled and able to get on the waitlist for funding for intensive in-home therapy... sorry for that sentence.  anyhoo, we got word (5 months later!) that he was indeed determined disabled and now we can start that process to hop on that waiting list!

yes, the waiting list is like a little over a year long, but at least we will be on it.


i know son #2 will benefit greatly from intensive in-home therapy. even though he has been making lots of progress, i still think it will be really helpful :)  he has made a lot of changes in the last 5 months! he is high-fiving, responding to his name a little more, singing songs, making more eye contact, imitating more, and just doing normal 2 year old things like getting mad and upset and caring about things :-)

it was very exciting for son #1 to start school again last week. he has also been making a lot of progress with his speech and understanding; he is like turning into a little man or something! crazy.
